About Us
Optical systems have changed the world. And they will continue to do so. TRIOPTICS is significantly involved in this process.
We have the largest spectrum of optical measurement technology and supply test systems for R&D and Production for every manufacturing step in optics: From a system for refractive index measurement, via various lense test systems with an autocollimator as measurement head, up to MTF test systems and camera module testers, we can supply the appropriate optical measurement system for every process step.
As an automated production system only aligns as well as it measures, TRIOPTICS has successfully applied its competence in optical measurement technology to develop and market different systems for the active alignment and assembly of lenses and camera modules.
We are now an established system provider for optical measurement and production systems and can offer our customers the appropriate system for their current and future applications.
The synthesis of optics and electronics provided us with the opportunity to form TRIOPTICS. We also see potential for our company in pursuing this strategy in the future. It forms one pillar, with which we are able to master the breathtaking speed of innovation on the optical technology market.
The others are the excellent natural scientists, engineers, technicians and sales personnel who have joined us and made us what we are today: one of the world's leading developers and providers of optical testing and machining systems. I would like to take this opportunity to say a special thank you to our employees.
Systems for Optical Centration Measurement and Alignment
The OptiCentric® product group sets the standard worldwide in optical centration measurement of lenses and optical systems. With an extremely high centration measurement accuracy and their intuitive, integrated operation, OptiCentric® systems have become indispensable in modern optical engineering. It does not matter whether the sample has a diameter of 0.5 mm or 800 mm, weigths a few grams or more than a ton: the OptiCentric® for Metrology systems are modular and the right system is selected or configured depending on the sample and application.
If lenses are not only being measured, but also actively aligned with the help of an OptiCentric® system, TRIOPTICS offers combined systems that build on the proven measurement technology and that are expanded with components for aligning, cementing and bonding. These systems from the OptiCentric® for Production series are a guarantee for the highest efficiency and production accuracy.
Alignment Turning Stations
If you want to produce mounted lenses with the highest possible manufacturing accuracy, you need the Alignment Turning Stations from TRIOPTICS. The stations allow for high precision machining of spherical, aspherical and infrared lenses.
The Alignment Turning Stations combine OptiCentric®, the world's leading centration measurement system, with ultra-precise centering lathe machine.
The OptiCentric® measurement system is designed such that both surfaces of the lens can be simultaneously measured and assessed. As a result, when turning the cell it is possible to adjust and monitor all relevant parameters such as the diameter of the cell or the distances of the lens vertex to the cell's bearing surfaces.
Center Thickness Measurement Systems / low-coherence interferometry
OptiSurf® is the ideal tool for non-contact center thickness and air gap measurement of single lenses, planar optics and optical systems. The instrument is based on low-coherence interferometry and measures all distances in an optical system with an accuracy of up to 0.15 μm in one scan.
OptiSurf® is outstanding in compactness and ease of use as it incorporates all measurement and alignment components in a single system. It can either be used as a standalone system or in combination with OptiCentric®. Due to the compact footprint of the measurement head, OptiSurf® can also be incorporated into a customized application.
MTF Measurement Stations
The ImageMaster® Series has been designed to measure the MTF (Modulation Transfer Function) describing the optical performance of lenses and optical systems. ImageMaster® is able to measure a wide range of optical parameters related to almost all typical optical components and lens systems. Virtually any existing lens system ranging from high performance imaging lenses through to high resolution endoscopes or military sighting devices, ophthalmic lenses, singlets and doublets or molded plastic lenses can be accurately characterized.
In addition to the MTF, as the generally accepted method to determine the imaging quality of a lens, the ImageMaster® Series is able to measure a wide range of other optical parameters.
Further information about MTF-testing in our knowledge base.
ProCam® - Active Alignment, Assembly and Testing of Camera Modules
ProCam® is a series of ultra-accurate measurement and production instruments for camera module production. It is easily adaptable to various customer applications and well suited to face the upcoming challenges on the high-end consumer and industrial camera module market. The TRIOPTICS ProCam® product range covers the entire spectrum of assembly to final testing of camera modules and complete cameras from the R&D phase to mass production.
The need for high volume assembly together with the demand for improved quality makes the ProCam® Align technology an ideal solution to meet production challenges. The optimization of the image quality by using active alignment technologies leads to a decrease of production rejects i.e. camera modules with insufficient image quality. The increase in yield and image quality at the same time makes active alignment a more cost-efficient production method for high-end camera applications.
The ProCam® product portfolio also includes measurement systems with test charts for applications with finite object distance, as well as innovative solutions with collimators for infinite and variable object distances. Motorized focusable collimators make it possible to use software-controlled infinite and finite object distance configurations in the same measurement application. Finally, testing in very wide field of view configurations (up to 180°) is possible with this technology.
TriAngle® Electronic Autocollimator
The TriAngle® electronic autocollimators are non-contact optical test tools for the high-precision measurement of angular displacements of specular reflective surfaces and the accurate angular alignment of optical or mechanical parts. TriAngle® autocollimators have a versatile modular design which allows them to be fitted with a wide selection of objective tubes, different sensors, reticles and light sources. With objective tubes of different focal lengths and apertures, the optimum measurement solution regarding angle resolution and measurement range is easily found.
PrismMaster® goniometers are used for high-precision optical angle measurements on prisms, polygons and wedges.
SpectroMaster® spectrometer-goniometers are used for high-precision determination of the refractive index and dispersion of optical glass and crystalline materials in the UV, VIS or IR spectral range.
Optitest® - Visual Optical Measurement Instruments
The optical testing usually requires a wide range of configurations specific to the application or the parameters to be measured. The large variety of the set-ups is, however, a combination of basic optical instruments known as:
• Collimators
• IndustrialTelescopes
• Autocollimators
• Mechanical hardware for positioning of the basic optical instruments
The OPTITEST is a comprehensive line of equipment including the largest range of basic optical instruments and additional mechanical hardware. To cover all conceivable testing set-ups required by fast changing applications, the components of OPTITEST line are designed as a modular system. The OPTITEST components are interchangeable and compatible with each other.
Wavefront Sensors
Aspheric lenses are of increasing importance in today’s optical industry. In a multitude of different areas of application single aspheric lenses are used instead several spherical lenses to build compact imaging systems. Thereby, the size and the weight of the systems are considerably reduced.
These systems have to be checked not only for their imaging properties after completion of the production process, but also after individual steps in the production process during the assembly.
In most of the cases conventional methods cannot be used for this kind of testing. Although e.g. the measurement of the modulation transfer function is a well-established method for fast and accurate quality inspection of entire objectives it has its limitation for non-imaging systems.
In contrast to this, Shack-Hartmann sensors are able to measure a very broad range of spherical and aspherical lenses as well as partially or fully assembled objectives due to their large dynamic range. In addition the high measurement frequency allows for real time testing and analysis.
More information about wavefront measurement with Shack-Hartmann sensors.
μPhase® interferometers offer objective and precise measurement results of surface and wavefront measurements - quickly and reliably.
μPhase® interferometers are compact, small and lightweight digital tools which can be used in almost any working environment. These measuring devices are perfectly complemented by the μShape™ measurement and analysis software to fulfill the highest expectations of quality management.
The μPhase® Interferometer systems are used for measuring specular high precision components made of glass, plastic, metal or ceramic etc. The non-contact measurement method prevents damage to the sample under test, and gives the most exact evaluation of the entire surface or wavefront.
TRIOPTICS offers μPhase® interferometers as self-contained modular parts as well as predefined turnkey solutions.
More information about Twyman-Green and Fizeau-Interferometers.
Optical Test Instruments: OptiSpheric® and Spherometer
TRIOPTICS' OptiSpheric® and Spherometer are the classic optical test systems for spherical lenses that can be found in virtually any optical manufacturing process.
While the Spherometer is used for the tactile determination of lens radii, OptiSpheric® systems provide contactless measurement of effective focal length, back focal length, flange focal length, MTF on axis and the radius of lenses. Specific upgrades allow determining centration errors and angles on plane surfaces.
Systems for testing IOLs in compliance with EN/ISO 11979 form a class of their own. OptiSpheric® IOL is preferably used for measuring single lenses while OptiSpheric® IOL PRO 2 is designed for the fully automated IOL measurement in serial production.
Trioptics GmbH
Hafenstrasse 35-39Wedel
CONTACTS | Simon Zilian - Sales Manager |
TELEPHONE | +49 4103 18006 0 |
FAX | +49 4103 18006 20 |
WEB | www.trioptics.com |

Fiber Optic Components, Systems & Accessories
Alignment Tools and Systems, Fiber Optic
Inspection Equipment, Fiber Optic
Lasers | Laser Systems | Laser Accessories
Laser Systems, Metrology
Manufacturing & Processing Tools & Equipment
Factory Automation Systems
Optical Manufacturing Equipment
Manufacturing, Fabrication & Testing Services
Diamond Machining Services
Manufacturing, Custom Scientific Instruments
Manufacturing, Opto-Mechanical and Opto-Electronic Systems
Optics | Optical Components | Optical Assemblies
Collimators, Laser
Sensors | Detectors | Transducers
Refractive Index Profiling
Sensors, Refractive Index
Sensors, Wavefront
Test, Measurement and Analysis Equipment & Instruments
Analyzers, Modulation Transfer Function (MTF)
Camera Test Systems
Interferometers, Distance Measurement
Interferometers, Surface Quality
Optical Test and Measurement Equipment
Surface Profilers