Awarded to companies that manufacture and/or distribute eco-friendly products; and/or their products are used primarily in eco-friendly applications.
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About Us

Solectria – A Yaskawa Company, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Yaskawa America, Inc., is a leading U.S.-based grid-tied PV inverter, combiner and web-based monitoring manufacturer for residential, commercial and utility-scale solar projects. Solectria's products include 3.8 to 750 kW inverters. Solectria is backed by over 100 years of power electronics and inverter experience. All of Solectria’s three-phase central inverters are made in the USA.  PV System owners, developers and EPCs rely on the high performance, reliability and bankability of Solectria – A Yaskawa Company.

Solectria - A Yaskawa Company

360 Merrimack St.
Lawrence, MA

CONTACTS Natalie Holtgrefe
Senior Marketing Manager
TELEPHONE 1-978-683-9700
FAX 1-978-683-9702
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