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About Us

Backed by more than 35 years of experience in laser material processing, Rofin Baasel offers extensive knowledge of laser applications in solar cell manufacturing. The company has developed innovative solutions for drilling, cutting/scribing, ablation, edge isolation and marking of silicon wafers and thin-film applications.

Rofin-Baasel Lasertech GmbH & Co KG

Petersbrunner Strasse 1b
82319 Starnberg  

CONTACTS Richard Hendel
TELEPHONE +49 (0)8151-776-0
FAX +49 -(0)8151-776-4159
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Product Categories

Lasers | Laser Systems | Laser Accessories

Laser Systems, Ablation of Materials

Laser Systems, Cutting

Laser Systems, Drilling

Laser Systems, Engraving and Scribing

Laser Systems, Marking

Laser Systems, Materials Processing

Laser Systems, Medical

Laser Systems, Welding

Lasers, Fiber

Lasers, Solid State - Not Diode Pumped