HGH Infrared Systems

Awarded to companies that manufacture and/or distribute eco-friendly products; and/or their products are used primarily in eco-friendly applications.

Awarded to companies whose production facilities and manufacturing processes are eco-friendly.

Awarded to companies that recycle materials and dispose all hazardous and toxic waste in an eco-responsible manner.

Awarded to companies that are highly energy efficient.
About Us
HGH Infrared Systems has been designing, developing, assembling and selling complete high end optronics systems for security, industrial and civil applications for over 30 years. HGH’s team of highly qualified engineering team is comprised of experts in optics, software, mechanics and electronics.
HGH Infrared Systems
One Broadway, 14th floorCambridge, MA
CONTACTS | Vanessa Couturier |
TELEPHONE | 1-617-401-2196 |
WEB | www.hgh-infrared.com |

Product Categories
Cameras | Imaging | Vision
Cameras, Infrared
Imaging Systems, Infrared
Optics | Optical Components | Optical Assemblies
Collimators, Infrared
Test, Measurement and Analysis Equipment & Instruments
Black Bodies
Optical Test and Measurement Equipment
Radiometers, Infrared