European Machine Vision Association (EMVA)
The European Machine Vision Association (EMVA) supports its member companies active in image processing and machine vision in Europe.- Alusin Solar
- ANILED (Spanish Association of the LED Industry)
- AS Solar Iberica
- Atersa
- Clamar Europe S.A.
- cssolar
- EJSolar SL
- Ekoleds Innovations, S.L.
- ElektroSol SL
- Enermapri
- ER-Solar
- Eurener, S.L.
- Fluidmecanicasur, SL
- GreenPowerMonitor
- Irsolav SL
- Isigenere Renovables
- Jema Energy S.A.
- LOT-QuantumDesign Iberia
- Maygmo Agua y Renovables
- Mimac Solar Instalaciones
- Mondragon Assembly
- Nuevas Energias Renovables
- Power Electronics
- Procesos y Soluciones Solares, s.l.
- PROINSO Solar Energy Supplies
- Promax Electronica S.L.
- Sensofar
- Sinapse Energia
- SLB Optical Systems S.L.
- Social Energy (Social Capital, S.L.)
- Solaria Energia
- Soldaduras Avanzadas
- SolTermal
- Soltune CPV
- SopSolar, S.L.
- Torresol Energy
- Trina Solar Spain
- Zytech Solar