Featured Companies
Canadian Solar Industries Association (CANSIA)
The Canadian Solar Industries Association (CanSIA) is a national trade association that represents approximately 650 solar energy companies throughout Canada.

The Canadian Solar Industries Association (CanSIA) is a national trade association that represents approximately 650 solar energy companies throughout Canada.

Additional Companies
- C&M Corporation
- C-Voltaics Inc.
- Calmar Laser
- Calvary Automation Systems
- Cambridge NanoTech Inc.
- Cambridge Technology Inc.
- Campbell Scientific Inc.
- Canadian Solar (USA)
- Cantsink
- Capovani Brothers Inc.
- Carefiber Optics Manufacturing Company
- Carling Technologies
- Carmanah Technologies: Go Power!
- Carmanah Technologies: Grid-tie Power Systems
- Carmanah Technologies: Marine
- Cascade Renewable Energy
- Centennial Global Technology Inc.
- Central Components Mfg.
- Centro Solar
- Chang Chun Bo Xin Photoelectric Co., Ltd.
- Changchun Ji Xiang Optoelectronic Co. (CJX)
- CHEM LINK Products, LLC
- Chilicon Power
- China Landee Industrial Valve Manufacturer
- China Rare Metal Material Co., Ltd
- China Valmax Industrial Valve Corporation
- China Valve Industry Co., Ltd.
- Chinayard Co. Ltd
- Chroma Systems Solutions, Inc.
- Cincinnati Sub-Zero
- Clamar Europe S.A.
- Clean Energy Distribution
- Clean Energy Experts
- Cleave Energy Inc.
- Close-Ups
- Coastal Connections
- Cobolt AB
- Coenergia Srl
- Cogenra Solar
- Coherent Inc.
- Colnatec
- Comerford Solar
- Complete Hermetics
- Computrol, Inc.
- Concise Motion Systems, Inc
- Concorde Battery
- Conergy
- Continuum Inc.
- Control Development, Inc
- Cooper Industries
- CoorsTek Technical Ceramics
- Coveme Spa
- Cradley Crystals Corporation
- CRAIC Technologies, Inc.
- Crest Fasteners
- Crown Battery Manufacturing Company
- Crystran Ltd
- CSA Group
- cssolar
- CSZ Testing Services
- CVI Infrared Optics - Leicester
- CVI Laser Optics
- CVI Laser Optics & Melles Griot B.V. - The Netherlands
- CVI Laser Optics & Melles Griot B.V. � France
- CVI Laser Optics & Melles Griot B.V. � Germany
- CVI Laser Optics - United Kingdom
- CVI Laser Optics and Melles Griot - Japan
- CVI Laser Optics and Melles Griot - Singapore
- CVI Melles Griot - Rochester