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About Us
Active Silicon, founded in 1988, is a leading manufacturer of frame grabbers and embedded vision systems. These products have applications in virtually all areas of science and industry, including manufacturing, life sciences, medical imaging, security and defense.
Active Silicon Ltd
Pinewood Mews, Bond CloseIver, Buckinghamshire
CONTACTS | Andrew Buglass |
TELEPHONE | +44 1753 650600 |
FAX | +44 1753 651661 |
WEB | www.activesilicon.com |

Product Categories
Cameras | Imaging | Vision
Frame Grabbers
High Speed Imaging/Motion Analysis
Image Compression Equipment
Image Compression Software
Image Enhancing Equipment
Image Processing Equipment
Image Processors
Image Software Libraries and Toolkits
Imaging Systems, High Content
Imaging Systems, Hyperspectral
Imaging Systems, Infrared
Imaging Systems, Night Vision
Imaging Systems, Thermal
Machine Vision Systems