Awarded to companies that manufacture and/or distribute eco-friendly products; and/or their products are used primarily in eco-friendly applications.
Awarded to companies whose production facilities and manufacturing processes are eco-friendly.
Awarded to companies that recycle materials and dispose all hazardous and toxic waste in an eco-responsible manner.
Awarded to companies that are highly energy efficient.

About Us

Jonas & Redmann concentrates its energies on the automation of machines and production processes for highly sensitive products, such as solar cells, batteries and medical devices. The company has developed and manufactured trend-setting systems for the automation of handling, transport and assembly for more than 22 years.

Jonas & Redmann Group GmbH

Kaiserin-Augusta-Allee 113

CONTACTS Robert Remski
TELEPHONE +49 (0) 302308660
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Product Categories

Automation | Robotics | Process Control

Automated Assembly Equipment

Automation Equipment and Systems Integrators

Material Handling Automation